Before Self-portrait - no instruction
Before Self-portrait - no instruction

Welcome to 'Be Artistic'

Thank you for visiting 'Be Artistic' and  showing you are ready to connect with your 'Inner Artist'.

This is where you can learn to draw; as you can see from the examples shown here. This student made the typical progress from complete beginner to confident drawing in only 12 sessions.

So can you!

After Self-portrait - after only 12 sessions
After Self-portrait - after only 12 sessions!

Drawing is a practical skill that can be learned by everyone.

You are born creative but Artists are not born with some special talent!

Just like reading and writing, art skills have to be learned and it all starts with drawing!

There are only 5 basic skills you need to be able to do realistic drawing.

With the 'Be Artistic' programme you will easily learn the 5 skills and have fun as well!

Learn the 5 skills with easy, step-by-step, practical exercises.

The structured exercises take you from complete "I can't draw" beginner to "Hey, I can draw!" confident artist.

Don't Miss Out!

The next 12-week 'Realistic Drawing' course will be held at: